
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

JV Skyline - Coach Brough

What motivates you?  Why do you come to practice and games each week? Why do you play soccer?

These are questions that we need to answer individually and as a team.  I believe the sooner we can answer it, we can form a team identity.  Today's team didn't really show up to the field or have an identity.  We were lazy, too easily pushed off the ball, played with zero passion and just didn't seem to care.  Skyline was bigger and faster and worked together as a team.  We can do everything they did today, and better.  I know we can.

Gentleman, I care.  A lot.  If that wasn't noticeable today on the sideline, I don't know what more I need to do.  As much as it may seem I like to yell and scream, I really don't care to.  I love being positive, encouraging great play that COMES FROM WITHIN players who demonstrate their desires in their actions.  There's no greater manifestation of will, grit, determination and everything I love than hard work.  That's what it takes to be successful in life, soccer, anything! HARD WORK.

I hope setting that expectation now to work hard will stick with you all season long, and hopefully all your lives.  Come ready to work tomorrow, and please re-visit your goals.  I hope to see a lot more hunger and passion in our practice tomorrow and games going forward.

**As an aside, I heard a lot of people say, "no one was supporting me coach," or, "I didn't have anyone to pass to."  If we're all saying this, then that means we're ALL guilty of not supporting our teammates (w/ or w/o the ball).  This is important that everyone realize they're all equally responsible, both people with and without the ball.**


"You build on failure.  You use it as a stepping stone.  Close the door on the past.  You don't try to forget the mistakes, but you don't dwell on it."  -- Johnny Cash

"Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be." -- John Wooden
"Consider the rights of others before your own feelings and the feelings of others before your own rights." -- John Wooden
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do." -- John Wooden

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