
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

I was recommended a documentary called Mitt. It's a painful documentary to watch. Hopefully some of you know who Mitt Romney is. If not he was the last presidential candidate for the Republican party. He worked, he prepared, he put himself out there, sacrificed it all for his dream and his dream never came true. Do you think he thinks it was worth it?

There were four things that I hope all of you think about from this movie as we go through the rest of the season:

1. After the last debate his campaign manager said one thing to him, whether you won or you didn't you want to be known as a fighter.

2. The sequence of the movie shows him flying into the venue where he is to watch the results and he said this, "I always slept well before an election because I knew I'd given everything so I didn't worry, I'd done everything I could, left it all on the field."

3. His campaign manager in his concession speech said "I'd rather lose with this guy than win with anybody else."

4. True wealth in life is the associations you have with other human beings.

Would your teammates consider you a fighter? Have you left it all on the field this year? Would you rather lose with his team than win with anybody else? What relationships have you built over this season that have enriched your life?

Goals - Aaron Conrad, Drue S.
Assists - Trevor Monney, Dustin Henry

Player of the Game: Trevor Monney, hustled, talked, sent some great crosses in the box, kept his head up.

Have your answers prepared for Thursday's practice. I'll be asking you. If you don't want to answer them, then email me in advance and I won't pick on you

Text "mitt" after you read this.

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