
Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Provo vs Timpanogos

Provo 2 - Timpanogos 1

I just watched the Tottenham game vs West Brom. Tottenham hit the post three times, missed many opportunities and West Brom scored to tie the game. One thing that I've learned through watching and playing soccer is that life isn't fair and life isn't supposed to be either. Unfairness is the ultimate blessing in disguise.

When astronauts are in space for a prolonged amount of time they can have serious issues with muscle loss. This happens because their muscles have no opposition; therefor,e the muscles are of no use and deterioritate. Although floating around with no gravity may seem comfortable and a lot of fun, the body is not built to be free of opposition.

The strongest, most capable man is the man capable of overcoming the most opposition. This is why we celebrate the gold medals in the Olympics, World Cup, State Championships, great scientific discoveries, etc. These feats are made great through opposition, nakedly unfair opposition. Think about playing a soccer game without the other team to oppose you. You would win, but you would never be proud of doing so.

Opposition exercises the muscles of true character. Unfairness helps deal with life's challenges. Winston Churchill said, "A kite flies against the wind, not with it." I believe each of these losses is just sending our kite higher into the sky. We need your faith, character and good attitude now more than ever. Do you still believe we can achieve great things as a team or is opposition causing you to doubt, whine and become uncoachable?

I still believe. I don' t know how to help you understand but when I see you guys play well, I know that nobody can beat you. That you can achieve your goals. Provo was playing scared even after they were gifted a goal.

The cure  to our losing disease is your character, your faith and the opposition we have already overcome.

Goal - Nathan Conrad
Player of the Game - Stockton Hunsaker - hustled, made the right runs, had a great attitude

Text "opposition" when you read this.

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