
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

There are a couple terms for people that can see into the future - clairvoyant, fortune teller, psychic, prophet, seer, etc. and one scientist Professor Bierman, a psychologist at the University of Amsterdam has been studying this extra sensory perception for years. He has observed that horrible accidents with trains and planes usually occur when the trains and planes are unusually empty. When talking to the people that decided not to go on these trips they all experienced a "sick feeling" and for no reason other than this feeling decided to take a different route. I had this feeling right when the game started when I put a certain player in the game instead of another. I ignored the feeling and played him anyway. About 5 minutes into the game I found out why I had had that feeling and wanted to spray myself in the face with a fire hose. Then, you'd think I would have learned, I was riding my bike home and had the same feeling to go to my grandparent's house, but ignored it because I needed to get back to my family. Turns out my family was at this grandparent's house. I am not claiming I can see the future, but I do believe we are given insight into our lives by powers beyond us. I have seen and felt these promptings countless times in my life. When I follow them, seems like things work out a lot better, when I don't, well I have a couple emergency room visits and huge regrets from not listening.

Some of you may know what the idiom "to eat crow"  From Wikipedia - "eating crow" is an American colloquial idiom, meaning humiliation by admitting wrongness or having been proved wrong after taking a strong position. Crow is presumably foul-tasting in the same way that being proved wrong might be emotionally hard to swallow. In other words I'm sorry for not playing the player I felt I should have played. Would we have won? I don't know, but in any case sometimes in life you make the wrong decision and since I'm on an idiom kick, hindsight is always 20/20.
We outplayed, outshot, out-passed and almost beat Orem down 2 goals and down a man. That's a pretty respectable accomplishment. I still think it was the wrong call with the red card but as I said after the game, we could have still won.  

I’m proud of all of your efforts.

Player of the Game: Ammon Nimmer – he won so many headers, backed up his defense and communicated well. Also on a much more important note – I found out he’s been shoveling my grandparent’s driveway in the wintertime. My aunt was at the game and recognized his dad and told me the whole story. What a great family. This was one of those moments that made me proud to be able to serve.

Goals: Griffin Bodine, Griffin Bodine
Assists: Ben Jenson, Ben Jenson

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